Customer service - order, payment and returns information

Customer service - order, payment and returns information

Our customer service has telephone and e-mail accessibility. Before calling us with a question or a comment, we ask you to first check if your question could not be answered on this website, by e-mail or via our virtual helpdesk. This will speed up answering all your questions!

Any questions about your order?

Did you know that the answer to your question has probably already been given on your account page or by e-mail via status updates?

We will inform you as well and quickly as possible of any change and status of your order. Each time there will be more clarity about the delivery of your order, an e-mail with the current status of the same will be sent to you . When your order has been shipped, it may take two working days before the package will be delivered to you.

In case your question remains unanswered, please send us an e-mail. We answer e-mail immediately upon entry with a possible delay of half a working day because of busy times.

> E-Mail Address: info@occident-publishers.com


Any questions about your payment?

The handling of payments is being done by a third party; Buckaroo.

Your payment as well as your payment information will be handled and processed in a secure manner. We work with a security certificate to send your contact details encrypted to our servers. Buckaroo makes the payment operations and they are specialized in this.

Administrative questions can best be directed via the contactform.

> E-Mail Address: info@occident-publishers.com


Any questions about returns?

Did you receive your order and you may not be satisfied ? Then please request a return procedure and send back your order, or part of it, to us.

You are legally entitled to return your order within 7 days of receipt to us. This procedure is subject to a number of conditions. In order to let the return process happen as smoothly as possible, we ask you to report a return order in advance. We will send you additional information to send your order to Occident!

Attention! Your return must meet the following requirements:

  1. The product (CD, DVD, data carrier) will be in reasonably original sealing,
  2. The product will be in original packing,
  3. The product will be undamaged.

We can only proceed to refund your money if the returned products meet the conditions as mentioned above!

Ask for your return via info@occident-publishers.com

Posthumanism - About the future of mankind - Mieke Mosmuller


Posthumanism - About the future of mankind

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