• How to Think!, 9789075240818
  • Posthumanism - About the future of mankind, 9789075240627
  • Singularity. Dialogues on artificial intelligence and spirituality, 9789075240603
  • Le Saint Graal, 9789075240801
  • Inferno, 9789075240597
  • Cherchez la lumière qui se lève à l'Occident, 9789075240702
  • La voie royale, 9789075240535
  • The art of thinking, 9789075240481
  • Wisdom is a woman, 9789075240009
  • The living Rudolf Steiner. Apologia, 9789075240337

Occident Publishers was founded in 1994 in The Hague, to publish the writings of Mieke Mosmuller. The theme is the spiritualizing of thinking, through the active forming of concepts. The human being has the freedom to give direction to the course of his thoughts and with that as well, to the course of his own actions. By bringing willpower into thinking, the human being becomes able to live creatively and finds the way to spiritual insight. The shape that life then takes lies completely beyond necessity.


Mieke Mosmuller

Mieke Mosmuller (*2.21.1951 in Amsterdam) is a physician, a philosopher and an author. Through research on and with spiritualized thinking she shows the importance of the development of pure thinking both for world development and for humanity.

Her principal work 'Seek the light that rises in the west' (1994 ) is the philosophical foundation of her work. It describes the independent experience of the spirit, going out from pure thinking. They are philosophical-spiritual witnesses of the realistic experience of the spirit, which can be obtained by anyone who wants to. Read more
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